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Patient Information


About Patientinfo

Patientinfo is a health information portal. Local health professionals select the information included.

This information is:

These flags indicate specific resources that are culturally appropriate:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander emblem Culturally appropriate resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Diverse Communities emblemCulturally appropriate resource for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Patientinfo aims to help people understand and manage their health conditions. It does not replace care provided by doctors and other health professionals.

See your doctor or other health professional if you are concerned about your health.

We welcome your feedback. Send us feedback by clicking on the feedback button. You can find it on the top right of the screen. We do our best to respond to feedback promptly.

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This page - 93558 - was last updated on: 1/02/2023 4:50:42 pm